You are worth more.

As a pastor, I’ve heard people say things like “God has bigger problems to deal with than my little issues.” Often it comes from an honest place in the person’s heart that wants the best for others or desires to see good happen in other difficult situations. That is to be commended. We need people who have less self-interest and more compassion in the world. But there is also another place this can come from. Some people really do believe that God is too busy, not interested or isn’t concerned about them. And that is something we cannot abide in.

Jesus told the disciples to think about the sparrows and how cheaply they were sold (two for a penny!) and then says that the Father knows when one falls to the ground. He proceeds to tell them that the very hairs on their heads are counted. (Some of us have less for him to keep track of.) Jesus says “don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31)

How many of us have counted the hairs we have lost today? Even if you noticed some going down the shower drain this morning, you cannot know how many you have left! Yet God does. Father God is intimately, uniquely aware of everything going on in and around us. If God is so interested in every detail of our being, why would we ever believe he is too busy or unconcerned about the issues that weigh upon our hearts and shoulders? There is nothing that’s too small to bring to him. There is nothing too inconsequential that he is not interested in giving you the grace, strength, wisdom, provision, and protection to deal with and complete everything before you and in you.

Peter tells us “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) Jesus tells us “come all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) These are not words spoken for others, but for you. Don’t let the enemy lie to you that you are not important enough to the Father to bring your heart, and your issues, to him. He delights to give you the kingdom; you are his beloved child. But he wants you to come, to ask. Don’t be afraid, he loves you and wants to hear from you.

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